All screenings for gene SCN1A

13 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 13.
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AscendingScreening ID     

Individual ID     



Variants found     

0000000241 00000226 DNA DHPLC;PCR 7 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
0000000398 00000384 DNA SEQ;SBE 2 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
0000000399 00000385 DNA SEQ;SBE 2 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
0000000400 00000386 DNA SEQ;SBE 2 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
0000000401 00000387 DNA MLPA;PCR;SEQ 2 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
0000000402 00000388 DNA MLPA;PCR;SEQ 18 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
0000000403 00000389 DNA MLPA;PCR;SEQ 15 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
0000000464 00000430 DNA SBE 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
0000000465 00000432 DNA SBE 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
0000000466 00000433 DNA SBE 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
0000000495 00000456 DNA ? 3 Nur Aisyah Athirah
0000000646 00000584 ? ? 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
0000000668 00000602 DNA PCR;SEQ;TaqMan 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
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