Phenotypes for disease #00148 (HS (Histiocytosis Lymphadenopathy Plus Syndrome), OMIM:602782)

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0000000292 progressive hyperpigmentated macules on his inner thighs since 9 years old. The macules slowly coalesced and extended to the knees, abdomen, neck, and axillae. Significant hair growth was noted on the hyperpigmented patches. Hyperpigmented patches distributed over the lower abdomen, gluteal region, thighs and legs, distal forearms, and inner arms. Lesions over the thighs were indurated with hypertrichosis. Gynecomastia were noted. His penis length was below the fifth percentile, and testicle volume was below the third centile. - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000764
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