Phenotypes for disease #00119 (EPVB6D (Early Onset Epilepsy, Vitamin B6-dependent), OMIM:617290)

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Phenotype details     



Individual ID     
0000000222 Seizure onset: <24h, Seizure type: GTC, myoclonic, Delay of motor development: right hemiparalysis and dystonic posture, Delay of speech development, profound Intellectual disability, Brain MRI: Broad gyri and shallow sulci, microcephaly with underdevelopment of white matter; periventricular cyst - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000621
0000000223 Seizure onset: 34 days, Seizure type: GTC, myoclonic, Delay of motor development, Delay of speech development, severe to profound Intellectual disability, Brain MRI: Broad gyri and shallow sulci, microcephaly with underdevelopment of white matter - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000622
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