Phenotypes for disease #00082 (ARCI (autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis))

7 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 7.
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AscendingPhenotype ID     

Phenotype details     



Individual ID     
0000000172 diagnosed as Harlequin ichthyosis - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000517
0000000173 diagnosed as Harlequin ichthyosis - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000518
0000000174 diagnosed as Harlequin ichthyosis - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000519
0000000175 diagnosed as lamellar ichthyosis - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000520
0000000176 diagnosed as congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000521
0000000177 diagnosed as congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000522
0000000178 diagnosed as congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000523
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