Phenotypes for disease #00037 (TSC (Tuberous sclerosis complex))

6 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 6.
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AscendingPhenotype ID     

Phenotype details     



Individual ID     
0000000119 - Familial, autosomal dominant Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud 00000234
0000000120 - Familial, autosomal dominant Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud 00000235
0000000121 - Familial, autosomal dominant Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud 00000236
0000000122 - Familial, autosomal dominant Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud 00000237
0000000278 Hypopigmented over trunk and chest, has facial angiofibroma, forehead plaque, hypomelanotic macules, cortical tuber, subependymal nodule, multiple retinal nodular hamartomas and cardiac rhabdomyoma, has cerebral white matter radial ‘migration tracts’ and multiple renal cysts. - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000743
0000000279 Cortical tuber over the left frontal lobe and multiple small subependymal nodules along both lateral ventricle walls as well as both Foramen Monroe, has left subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, multiple subependymal hamartomas, cortical, subcortical and white matters tubers. - Nur Aisyah Athirah 00000744
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