### LOVD-version 3000-290 ### Full data download ### To import, do not remove or alter this header ### ## Filter: (gene_public = HBA1) # charset = UTF-8 ## Genes ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 1 "{{id}}" "{{name}}" "{{chromosome}}" "{{chrom_band}}" "{{imprinting}}" "{{refseq_genomic}}" "{{refseq_UD}}" "{{reference}}" "{{url_homepage}}" "{{url_external}}" "{{allow_download}}" "{{id_hgnc}}" "{{id_entrez}}" "{{id_omim}}" "{{show_hgmd}}" "{{show_genecards}}" "{{show_genetests}}" "{{show_orphanet}}" "{{note_index}}" "{{note_listing}}" "{{refseq}}" "{{refseq_url}}" "{{disclaimer}}" "{{disclaimer_text}}" "{{header}}" "{{header_align}}" "{{footer}}" "{{footer_align}}" "{{created_by}}" "{{created_date}}" "{{edited_by}}" "{{edited_date}}" "{{updated_by}}" "{{updated_date}}" "HBA1" "hemoglobin subunit alpha 1" "16" "p13.3" "unknown" "NG_000006.1" "UD_144421999283" "" "" "" "1" "4823" "3039" "141800" "1" "1" "1" "0" "" "" "" "" "1" "" "" "-1" "" "-1" "00001" "2020-11-03 09:25:08" "" "" "00005" "2022-04-25 09:32:58" ## Transcripts ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 1 "{{id}}" "{{geneid}}" "{{name}}" "{{id_mutalyzer}}" "{{id_ncbi}}" "{{id_ensembl}}" "{{id_protein_ncbi}}" "{{id_protein_ensembl}}" "{{id_protein_uniprot}}" "{{remarks}}" "{{position_c_mrna_start}}" "{{position_c_mrna_end}}" "{{position_c_cds_end}}" "{{position_g_mrna_start}}" "{{position_g_mrna_end}}" "{{created_by}}" "{{created_date}}" "{{edited_by}}" "{{edited_date}}" "00000022" "HBA1" "hemoglobin subunit alpha 1" "001" "NM_000558.5" "" "NP_000549.1" "" "" "" "-37" "540" "429" "176680" "177522" "00001" "2020-11-03 10:15:46" "" "" ## Diseases ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 1 "{{id}}" "{{symbol}}" "{{name}}" "{{inheritance}}" "{{id_omim}}" "{{tissues}}" "{{features}}" "{{remarks}}" "{{created_by}}" "{{created_date}}" "{{edited_by}}" "{{edited_date}}" "00017" "α-thalassaemia" "Alpha thalassaemia" "" "" "" "" "" "00001" "2020-11-03 09:23:12" "" "" ## Genes_To_Diseases ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 1 "{{geneid}}" "{{diseaseid}}" "HBA1" "00017" ## Individuals ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 3 "{{id}}" "{{fatherid}}" "{{motherid}}" "{{panelid}}" "{{panel_size}}" "{{license}}" "{{owned_by}}" "{{Individual/Reference}}" "{{Individual/Remarks}}" "{{Individual/Remarks_Non_Public}}" "{{Individual/Origin/Geographic}}" "{{Individual/Origin/Ethnic}}" "{{Individual/Origin/Population}}" "{{Individual/Gender}}" "00000119" "" "" "" "1" "" "00002" "{PMID:Rahimah Ahmad et al. (2013):24025420}" "Carriers" "" "Malaysia" "Malay" "" "?" "00000120" "" "" "" "1" "" "00002" "{PMID:Rahimah Ahmad et al. (2013):24025420}" "" "" "Malaysia" "Chinese" "" "?" "00001012" "" "" "" "1" "" "00001" "{PMID: George E et al.(2012):20954559}" "" "" "" "Malay" "" "M" ## Individuals_To_Diseases ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 3 "{{individualid}}" "{{diseaseid}}" "00000119" "00017" "00000120" "00017" "00001012" "00017" ## Phenotypes ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Note: Only showing Phenotype columns active for Diseases 00017 ## Count = 3 "{{id}}" "{{diseaseid}}" "{{individualid}}" "{{owned_by}}" "{{Phenotype/Additional}}" "{{Phenotype/Inheritance}}" "{{Phenotype/Age/Thal}}" "{{Phenotype/Age_first_blood_transfusion}}" "{{Phenotype/Blood_transfusion}}" "{{Phenotype/Gender}}" "{{Phenotype/Hb}}" "{{Phenotype/HbA2}}" "{{Phenotype/HbF}}" "{{Phenotype/MCH}}" "{{Phenotype/MCV}}" "{{Phenotype/Size}}" "{{Phenotype/Age_current_transfusion}}" "{{Phenotype/Height/age}}" "{{Phenotype/Height_velocity}}" "{{Phenotype/Mid_parental_height}}" "{{Phenotype/Weight/age}}" "{{Phenotype/Current_serum_ferritin}}" "{{Phenotype/Genotype}}" "{{Phenotype/Iron_chelation}}" "{{Phenotype/Splenectomy_done}}" "{{Phenotype/Other_variants}}" "0000000048" "00017" "00000119" "00002" "Carriers" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "0000000049" "00017" "00000120" "00002" "carriers" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "0000000336" "00017" "00001012" "00009" "Alpha-thalassemia intermedia" "" "52" "" "" "" "5.6" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ## Screenings ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 3 "{{id}}" "{{individualid}}" "{{variants_found}}" "{{owned_by}}" "{{created_by}}" "{{created_date}}" "{{edited_by}}" "{{edited_date}}" "{{Screening/Technique}}" "{{Screening/Template}}" "0000000134" "00000119" "1" "00002" "00002" "2020-11-03 10:02:47" "" "" "?" "DNA" "0000000135" "00000120" "1" "00002" "00002" "2020-11-03 12:15:31" "" "" "?" "DNA" "0000001196" "00001012" "1" "00009" "00009" "2022-01-06 17:45:34" "" "" "?" "DNA" ## Screenings_To_Genes ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 3 "{{screeningid}}" "{{geneid}}" "0000000134" "HBA1" "0000000135" "HBA1" "0000001196" "HBA1" ## Variants_On_Genome ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Please note that not necessarily all variants found in the given individuals are shown. This output is restricted to variants in the selected gene. ## Count = 6 "{{id}}" "{{allele}}" "{{effectid}}" "{{chromosome}}" "{{position_g_start}}" "{{position_g_end}}" "{{type}}" "{{average_frequency}}" "{{owned_by}}" "{{VariantOnGenome/DBID}}" "{{VariantOnGenome/DNA}}" "{{VariantOnGenome/Frequency}}" "{{VariantOnGenome/Reference}}" "{{VariantOnGenome/Published_as}}" "{{VariantOnGenome/Remarks}}" "{{VariantOnGenome/dbSNP}}" "0000000647" "0" "90" "16" "173598" "173598" "subst" "0" "00002" "HBA1_000001" "g.173598T>C" "273/1925" "{PMID:Rahimah Ahmad et al. (2013):24025420}, {dbSNP:rs41464951}, {OMIM:141850:0001}, {ClinVar:15624}" "" "" "rs41464951" "0000000648" "0" "50" "16" "34164" "37967" "del" "0" "00002" "HBA1_000002" "g.34164_37967del3804" "840/1925" "{PMID:Rahimah Ahmad et al. (2013):24025420}" "" "" "" "0000000649" "0" "90" "16" "177012" "177012" "subst" "0" "00002" "HBA1_000003" "g.177012G>A" "113/1925" "{PMID:Rahimah Ahmad et al. (2013):24025420}, {dbSNP:rs28928878}, {OMIM:141800:0174}" "" "" "rs28928878" "0000000650" "0" "50" "16" "177359" "177359" "subst" "0" "00002" "HBA1_000004" "g.177359T>C" "8/1925" "{PMID:Rahimah Ahmad et al. (2013):24025420}, {dbSNP:rs41397847}, {OMIM:141850:0005}" "" "" "rs41397847" "0000000651" "0" "50" "16" "173384" "177187" "del" "0" "00002" "HBA1_000002" "g.173384_177187del" "88/558" "{PMID:Rahimah Ahmad et al. (2013):24025420}" "" "" "" "0000003720" "0" "99" "16" "177012" "177012" "subst" "0" "00005" "HBA1_000003" "g.177012G>A" "myhvp-1" "{PMID:George E et al:20954559}{IthaNet:378}" "" "" "rs28928878" ## Variants_On_Transcripts ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Please note that not necessarily all variants found in the given individuals are shown. This output is restricted to variants in the selected gene. ## Note: Only showing Variants_On_Transcript columns active for Genes HBA1 ## Count = 6 "{{id}}" "{{transcriptid}}" "{{effectid}}" "{{position_c_start}}" "{{position_c_start_intron}}" "{{position_c_end}}" "{{position_c_end_intron}}" "{{VariantOnTranscript/DNA}}" "{{VariantOnTranscript/Exon}}" "{{VariantOnTranscript/Protein}}" "{{VariantOnTranscript/RNA}}" "{{VariantOnTranscript/Published_as}}" "{{VariantOnTranscript/GVS/Function}}" "{{VariantOnTranscript/VariantOnTranscript}}" "0000000647" "00000022" "90" "427" "0" "427" "0" "c.427T>C" "3" "p.(*143Glnext*30)" "r.(?)" "" "" "{ClinVar:15624}" "0000000648" "00000022" "50" "-3416" "0" "271" "0" "c.-3416_271del" "-" "p.?" "r.?" "" "" "" "0000000649" "00000022" "90" "179" "0" "179" "0" "c.179G>A" "2" "p.(Gly60Asp)" "r.(?)" "" "" "{ClinVar:15849}" "0000000650" "00000022" "50" "377" "0" "377" "0" "c.377T>C" "3" "p.(Leu126Pro)" "r.(?)" "" "" "{ClinVar:15630}" "0000000651" "00000022" "50" "-3416" "0" "271" "0" "c.-3416_271del" "-" "p.?" "r.?" "" "" "" "0000003720" "00000022" "99" "179" "0" "179" "0" "c.179G>A" "2" "p.(Gly60Asp)" "r.(?)" "" "missense" "{ClinVar:15849}" ## Screenings_To_Variants ## Do not remove or alter this header ## ## Count = 6 "{{screeningid}}" "{{variantid}}" "0000000134" "0000000647" "0000000134" "0000000648" "0000000134" "0000000649" "0000000134" "0000000650" "0000000135" "0000000651" "0000001196" "0000003720"