Disease #00039 (PD (Parkinson’s disease))

Official abbreviation PD
Name Parkinson’s disease
Inheritance -
Individuals reported having this disease 13
Phenotype entries for this disease 7
Associated with 5 genes DRD1, GBA, GRIN2B, PINK1, PRKN
Associated tissues -
Disease features -
Remarks -


13 entries on 1 page. Showing entries 1 - 13.
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AscendingIndividual ID     



Geographic origin     

Ethnic origin     





Phenotype details     

Genes screened

Variants in genes


Panel size     

00000240 Nur Fadhlina Mohamad Pakarulrazy et al. (2020) (http://www.neurologyasia.org/articles/neuroasia-2020-25(1)-039.pdf) - Malaysia - - - - PD - GBA GBA 10 1 Nuur Athirah Binti Mohd Daud
00000412 Zainal Abidin et al.(2015) - (Kuala Lumpur) - - - - PD - DRD1, DRD2, DRD3, DRD4, DRD5, GRIN2B DRD1, DRD2, DRD3, DRD4, DRD5, GRIN2B 10 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000476 Aroma Agape Gopalaiet al.(2019) - Malaysia Malay - - - PD - LRRK2 LRRK2 2 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000477 Aroma Agape Gopalai et al.(2019) - Malaysia Chinese - - - PD - LRRK2 LRRK2 2 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000478 Aroma Agape Gopalai et al.(2019) - Malaysia Indian - - - PD - LRRK2 LRRK2 2 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000484 Aroma Agape Gopalai et al.(2014) - Malaysia - - - - PD - LRRK2 LRRK2 2 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000617 Shen Yang Lim et al.(2021): https://www.neurology-asia.org/articles/neuroasia-2021-26(1)-161.pdf F Malaysia Chinese - - - PD Age at PD motor symptom onset: 13, Bradykinesia, Rigidity, Tremor, Gait difficulty, Gait freezing, Postural instability/Falls, Dystonia, Obvious asymmetry, Diurnal variation, Sleep benefit, Clear favourable response to dopaminergic medication, Motor fluctuations, LD-induced dyskinesias, Insomnia, Mild Depression, Anxiety, Mild cognitive impairment PINK1, PRKN PINK1, PRKN 2 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000618 Shen-Yang Lim et al.(2020) F Malaysia Chinese - - - PD age diagnosed with PD: 37y/o, has moderate right laterocollis and severe rigidity at the neck, total CISI-PD score (performed blinded to the patient’s genetic result) was 16 (motor signs 6, disability 6, motor complications 0, cognitive status 4), ha "purposeless groaning". LRRK2 LRRK2 1 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000619 Shen-Yang Lim et al.(2020) F Malaysia Chinese - - - PD age diagnosed with PD: 58 y/o, reduced arm swing on the right, had mild-to-moderate severity motor fluctuations, developed mild-tomoderate slurring of speech, CISI-PD scores (conducted blinded to the patient’s genetic result) were 4/4/4/1, indicating “moderate” global PD severity. LRRK2 LRRK2 1 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000640 Ai Huey Tan et al.(2020) M Kuala Terengganu Malay - - - PD bilateral leg tremors at age 41 years, experiencing slowness in movement at age 46 years, have motor fluctuations (with leg cramping and dystonia during OFF-periods) and peak-dose dyskinesias, mild cognitive impairment (MoCA score 20/30; he had attended school for 9 years), visual hallucinations with loss of insight, RBD, and constipation PINK1 PINK1 1 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000641 Ai Huey Tan et al.(2020) M Kuala Terengganu Malay - - - PD developed bilateral fine hand tremors at age 40 years associated with slow movements, develop mild motor fluctuations and peak-dose dyskinesias, During OFF-periods, he was moderately bradykinetic with leg cramping and stiffness, but remained independent, had mild auditory hallucinations with retained insight. PINK1 PINK1 1 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000652 Shen-Yang Lim et al.(2021) F Malaysia Indian - - - PD Age at PD onset: 35, Bradykinesia, Rigidity, Tremor, Gait difficulty, Postural instability, hands Dystonia PINK1 PINK1 1 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
00000653 Shen-Yang Lim et al.(2021) F Malaysia Indian - - - PD Age at PD onset: 60, Bradykinesia, Rigidity, Gait difficulty, Postural instability, Foot Dystonia PINK1 PINK1 1 1 Nur Aisyah Athirah
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